Johnny Yap

JOHNNY YAP – Director, Consultant & Adult Educator
Professional Experience
Johnny has 22 years of corporate management experience, starting up and then driving regional businesses in American, French and English MNCs. There, he built, led, trained and developed regional teams. His most recent position was Director in Thomson Multimedia Asia and before that, Farnell Electronics. Having been exposed in manufacturing environments whilst in Thomson, Motorola, Farnell and Methode Electronics, he is very conversant with not just Human Resource Management (HRM) and Development (HRD) initiatives, but also corporate management and culture; especially within MNCs.
In 2009, Johnny decided to pursue his dormant passion for Learning and Development (L & D), training full-time, leveraging on his wealth of corporate experience, gleaned from many years of corporate life.
Johnny is Director and Managing Partner of a few local SMEs, which keep his skills and knowledge sharp and current: Active Aging LLP (, Goo Central Pte Ltd ( and of course, Triduum Learning Labs Pte Ltd (
After acquiring his Masters in Training and Development (MTD) with Griffith University through the Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) in 2012, Johnny also acquired his Diploma in Adult & Continuing Education (DACE), also with the Institute of Adult Learning (IAL/DACE).
Domain Expertise
Clientele (Partial Listing)
Download Johnny’s detailed resume and CV HERE